Quick start guide
Tevm Quick Start Guide
After going through this guide you will understand the basic functionality of Tevm.
This guide will get you familiar with the most essential features of Tevm and start interacting with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) in Node.js or browser environments with Tevm
. By the end of this guide you will understand:
- How to create a forked EVM in JavaScript using
- How to write, build, and execute solidity scripts with a
- How to streamline your workflow using
tevm contract imports
with the tevm bundler - How to write solidity scripts with the
tevm script action
- Bun.
This tutorial uses Bun but you can follow along in Node.js >18.0 as well. Bun can be installed with NPM.
npm install --global bun
For more details visit the Bun Installation Guide.
Creating Your Tevm Project
- Create a new project directory:
mkdir tevm-app && cd tevm-app
- Initialize your project with bun init:
bun init
- Install tevm
bun install tevm
Creating a Tevm VM
Now let’s create a Tevm VM to execute Ethereum bytecode in our JavaScript
Open the index.ts file
Now initialize a MemoryClient with createMemoryClient
import { createMemoryClient } from 'tevm';
const tevm = await createMemoryClient();
This initializes an an ethereum VM instance akin to starting anvil but in memory.
Using ethereum JSON-RPC
The entrypoint to using Tevm is TevmClient.request
. It implements the
- much of the ethereum JSON-RPC
- custom tevm_* requests
- will support anvil_* and ganache_* in future versions
Let’s use eth_getBalance
- Create a eth_getBalance
import { createMemoryClient } from 'tevm';import { EthGetBalanceRequest } from 'tevm'
const tevm = await createMemoryClient();
const request: EthGetBalanceRequest = { jsonrpc: '2.0', id: 1, method: 'eth_getBalance', params: ["0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045"]}
- Now pass our request into
import { createMemoryClient } from 'tevm';import { EthGetBalanceRequest } from 'tevm'
const tevm = await createMemoryClient();
const request: EthGetBalanceRequest = { jsonrpc: '2.0', id: 1, method: 'eth_getBalance', params: ["0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045"]}
const response = await tevm.request(request)
- Now run it
bun run index.ts
This address has 0 eth because we have a brand new vm. Let’s make our VM fork ethereum now.
Forking a live network
Similar to anvil or ganache Tevm
has the ability to fork a live network.
- Update createMemoryClient to fork ethereum using forkUrl
Add any ethereum RPC url to the options.fork.url
import { createMemoryClient } from 'tevm';import { EthGetBalanceRequest } from 'tevm'
const tevm = await createMemoryClient({ fork: { url: 'https://mainnet.optimism.io' }});
const request: EthGetBalanceRequest = { jsonrpc: '2.0', id: 1, method: 'eth_getBalance', params: ["0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045"]}
const response = await tevm.request(request)
Tevm will fork latest block by default.
Now run script again vs the forked network
bun run index.js
This is equivelent to issuing a JSON-RPC request directly to the RPC
fetch("https://mainnet.optimism.io", { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ jsonrpc: '2.0', id: 1, method: 'eth_getBalance', params: ["0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045"] })}) .then(response => response.json()) .then(console.log);
But with MemoryClient
all requests will be issued to the same block number we forked and cached in memory once made.
Using Actions
API to execute a contract
Tevm exposes a viem-like actions api
to provide a higher level of abstraction than the JSON-RPC interface.
- Replace
JSON-RPC procedure with the getAccount action
import { createMemoryClient } from 'tevm';- import { EthGetBalanceRequest } from 'tevm'
const tevm = await createMemoryClient({ fork: { url: 'https://mainnet.optimism.io' }});
- const request: EthGetBalanceRequest = {- jsonrpc: '2.0',- id: 1,- method: 'eth_getBalance',- params: ["0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045"]- }+ const address = "0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045"
- const response = await tevm.request(request)+ const result = await tevm.eth.getBalance({address})
- console.log(response)+ console.log(result)
- Run a transaction
Now send a transaction using TevmClient.call. This is equivelent to using eth_call
wraps tevm_call
which is similar to eth_call
or Tevm.eth.call
but has extra parameters for modifying the VM.
import { createMemoryClient, parseEth } from 'tevm';
const tevm = await createMemoryClient({ fork: { url: 'https://mainnet.optimism.io' }});
const fromAddress = `0x${'01'.repeat(20)}` as constconst toAddress = `0x${'02'.repeat(20)}` as const
// skipBalanceCheck will mint any eth if account has less than 0await tevm.call({ from: fromAddress, to: toAddress, value: parseEth('1'), skipBalanceCheck: true})
const balance = await tevm.eth.balanceOf({address: toAddress})console.log(balance)
- Now run script again to see the expected result of running the contract call.
bun run vm.js
To see more options check out CallParams docs
Executing contract calls
We can execute a contract call by sending encoded contract data just like eth_call
- Use
to pass in a contract call totevm.call
import { createMemoryClient, encodeFunctionData, decodeFunctionData, parseAbi } from 'tevm';
const tevm = await createMemoryClient({ fork: { url: 'https://mainnet.optimism.io' }});
const abi = parseAbi(['function balanceOf(address owner) returns (uint256 balance)'])
const owner = `0x${'01'.repeat(20)}` as constconst contractAddress = `0x${'02'.repeat(20)}` as const
const {rawData} = await tevm.call({ to: contractAddress, data: encodeFunctionData({ args: [owner] functionName: 'balanceOf', abi, })})
const balance = decodeFunctionData({ functionName: 'balanceOf', abi, data: rawData})console.log(balance)
- Use
Rather than encoding and decoding data with TevmClient.call
we can instead use the TevmClient.contract
method. It wraps the eth_call
JSON-rpc method and matches much of viems readContract API but with some extra VM control.
Refactor our call to use Tevm.contract
import { createMemoryClient, parseAbi } from 'tevm';
const tevm = await createMemoryClient({ fork: { url: 'https://mainnet.optimism.io' }});
const owner = `0x${'01'.repeat(20)}` as constconst contractAddress = `0x${'02'.repeat(20)}` as const
const {data: balance} = await tevm.contract({ to: contractAddress, args: [owner], functionName: 'balanceOf', abi: parseAbi(['function balanceOf(address owner) returns (uint256 balance)']),})
Scripting with Tevm
In the previous section we called the Dai
which is deployed to optimism. But Tevm can also execute arbitrary contracts that are not deployed.
We could use the tevm.setAccount
feature to deploy bytecode
await tevm.setAccount({address: `0x${'42'.repeat(20)}`, deployedBytecode: '0x000'})
And then use tevm.contract
as we did in last section.
But Tevm provides a convenient tevm_script
JSON-RPC request and matching TevmClient.script action
- First let’s make a new solidity file
touch HelloWorld.s.sol
- Next write a simple HelloWorld contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MITpragma solidity >0.8.0;
contract HelloWorld { function greet(string memory name) public pure returns (string memory) { return string(abi.encodePacked("Hello ", name)); }}
We now need a way of turning our contract into bytecode.
- 🚧 Use Tevm to compile the contract into bytecode and abi (not yet implemented but will be soon)
bunx tevm compile HelloWorld.s.sol
You should see a .js
file get generated with the JavaScript version of your contract. Inspect the file. We will talk more about this later.
- Import contract and use it in a
import { HelloWorld } from './HelloWorld.s.sol.js';import { createMemoryClient, encodeFunctionData, parseAbi } from 'tevm';
const tevm = await createMemoryClient({ fork: { url: 'https://mainnet.optimism.io' }});
const scriptResult = await tevm.script({ abi: HelloWorld.abi, deployedBytecode: HelloWorld.deployedBytecode, functionName: 'greet', args: ['Vitalik'],});
console.log(scriptResult.data); // Hello Vitalik!
Now run the script
bun run script.js
Working with Contract Action Creators
Tevm offers an streamlined typesafe dev experience for working with solidity scripts and contracts via TevmContracts
are created via using the createContract
method. You may have noticed it being used in the HelloWorld.s.sol.js
Let’s refactor our script code to take advantage of tevm contracts actionCreators
- const scriptResult = await tevm.script({- abi: HelloWorld.abi,- functionName: 'greet',- args: ['Vitalik'],- deployedBytecode: HelloWorld.deployedBytecode- });+ const scriptResult = await tevm.script(+ HelloWorld.read.greet('Vitalik')+ );
Build Contracts and scripts directly from JavaScript imports
Remember before we used tevm generate
to generate JavaScript from our contract. Tevm offers tooling to do this automatically. After installing this tooling you can simply just import your contract directly.
import {HelloWorld} from './MyContract.sol'
This direct solidity import will be recognized by Bun and Tevm at build time and automatically generate the JavaScript and typescript types behind the scene. You will also get enhanced LSP
support in your editors such as Vim or VSCode. This includes
- Instant update whenever the contract changes without an additional generation step
- Great typesafety
- Go-to-definition taking you directly to the solidity line of code a given method is defined
- Natspec definitions on hover
First let’s configure Bun to recognize solidity files
- Install the
bun install @tevm/bundler
This package installs two tools we need:
- Bundler support to bundle our solidity contracts. Plugins exist for webpack, vite, rollup, esbuild and more. We will use the bun plugin.
- LSP support for TypeScript via a typescript language service plugin
- Create a
file to install theTevm bun plugin
into Bun
import { tevmBunPlugin } from '@tevm/bundler/bun-plugin';import { plugin } from 'bun';
- Now add the
file to thebunfig.toml
to tell bun to load our plugin in normal mode and dev mode
preload = ["./plugins.js"][test]preload = ["./plugins.js"]
- Remove the generated files from before
rm -rf HelloWorld.sol.js HelloWorld.sol.d.ts
- Now rerun bun
bun run script.ts
You will see bun still generated the same files and cached them in the .tevm
folder this time. The plugin is taking care of this generation for you whenever you run bun.
- Configure the TypeScript LSP
Though bun is working you may notice your editor is not recognizing the solidity import. We need to also configure the TypeScript language server protocol that your editor such as VIM
or VSCode
Add {"name": "@tevm/bundler/ts-plugin"}
to compilerOptions.plugins
array to enable tevm in typescript language server.
{ "compilerOptions": { "plugins": [ {"name": "@tevm/plugin/ts-plugin"} ] }}
Note: ts-plugins only operate on the language server. Running tsc
from command line will still trigger errors on solidity imports. A command line tool for this is coming soon.
Use external contracts
Contracts from external repo can be used via installing with npm.
bun install @openzeppelin/contracts -D
You can now use any common contract implementation in your code via extending the contracts or importing them directly into JavaScript.
The following executes a ERC721 balanceOf call against a forked contract on mainnet.
import { ERC721 } from '@openzeppelin/contracts/tokens/ERC721/ERC721.sol'import { createMemoryClient } from './vm.js'
// Note it is recomended to use a more reliable rpc provider than the free tier cloudflare rpcconst result = await createMemoryClient({fork: {url: 'https://cloudflare-eth.com'}}).contract( ERC721 .withAddress('0x5180db8F5c931aaE63c74266b211F580155ecac8') .balanceOf(' 0xB72900a2e885dF6A2824969B6e40B969C8ae3CB7'))console.log(result)
Congrats. You now have learned all the basics you need to start building with Tevm
. Consider joining the telegram to discuss Tevm.